In this highly personalized process, we create an optimized LinkedIn marketing strategy for you, optimize your LinkedIn profile, and produce a calendar of content ideas for you to update your LinkedIn on a daily basis—complete with copy to get you started! 
  • Organize your LinkedIn Marketing Strategy with two strategy sessions
  • Optimize your LinkedIn Profile
  • Give you a clear strategy and executable, easy-to-follow plan from which to post and engage on LinkedIn
  • ​Provide the missing strategic framework to ramp up your current execution
  • ​Make you more confident in your LinkedIn presence

"The LinkedIn Authority Blueprint is a 

"Working with Joe and going through the LinkedIn Authority Blueprint process has been a game-changer for me. If you want to establish a strong presence on LinkedIn and make valuable connections, this process is a must! Even after just one session, I was blown away by the level of understanding that Joe was able to gather in just one hour. I can't wait to see what we'll achieve together. I'm excited to implement everything I've learned and take my LinkedIn to the next level. With my new LinkedIn strategy, I'm confident I'll be able to generate more sales and grow my business."

- Gabriela Thierer, Founder & CEO of TCGC Group, EO Florida Member

"Very Organized and Easy to Follow!"

"It was great! Very informative and very detailed. I loved that it was all in one place and gave me examples of not only text but graphics as well. Your team did an excellent job laying it out. It doesn't feel as overwhelming as I anticipated it feeling."

- Christina Lambert, Managing Director at

"This Blueprint is High Quality"

"Working with Joe and his Team at Ajax Union to create our LinkedIn Authority Blueprint helped us have a roadmap for success to generating leads on LinkedIn. I highly recommend any CEO or business professional that wants to have a presence on LinkedIn that is strategic and ROI driven to hire the team at Ajax Union to create this LinkedIn blueprint for your business. The work was high quality and exactly what we were looking for, I am very happy with the results."

- Sean McEntee, Principal at Air Ideal

"This Was a Great Experience!"

"It's great. It's enlightening. You learn a lot. I learned a lot about LinkedIn in our phone calls. I was taking a risk and a chance on trying something new, and now... I'm going to do LinkedIn! I know I'm not doing LinkedIn the way most people do it, but I want put my foot in the water and see what happens. This was a great experience!"

- Adam Bacall, EVP at Office Resources Inc.


To help you influence your target market on LinkedIn so you can get more qualified leads, stay top of mind with your trusted relationships, and provide relevant posts that drive engagement and keep you front and center in the eyes of your top prospects and referral partners.


  • Questionnaire to fill out about your business, your goals, and your ideal clients.
  • Strategy Session + Brainstorming Workshop with you over the phone that we record and transcribe.
  • ​Optimized LinkedIn Profile with all the bells and whistles to stand out.
  • ​Content Calendar with 90 days worth of content ideas.
  • ​Asset Library to have a home for all your marketing assets to use on LinkedIn.
  • ​LinkedIn Connections Dashboard so you can review all your LinkedIn connections easily off of LinkedIn.
  • ​Custom direct messaging templates & scripts so you always know what to send people.
  • ​Networking One Sheet Created in Canva and provided to you with your brand colors as a PDF.
  • ​2 Weeks worth of pre-written content with custom graphics ready to go for posting.
  • ​Checklist for a virtual assistant to manage your activity on LinkedIn and track progress.
To learn more about how we create a LinkedIn digital marketing strategy for you, watch the 20 min video at the top of this page. 

If this is right for you just click 'GET STARTED' to sign up, and we will send you the questionnaire to get started! 

Our goal is to help business professionals become micro influencers on LinkedIn within their networks. We help you stay top of mind with your connections by creating targeted posts that drive engagement and keep you front and center in the eyes of your top prospects and referral partners.

Less than 1% of the 830+ million professionals on LinkedIn are posting regularly because they don’t have a clear strategy. 

Thank you for your interest in learning more about what we are doing for Business Professionals on LinkedIn!

We look forward to supporting you in your networking journey on LinkedIn!



Pre-Session Questionnaire

Once you sign up, we will schedule a strategy session and send you a pre-workshop questionnaire that you can fill out. This will take you about 1 hour to fill out and it will guide our strategy session. Please take your time filling out the answers to the questions.


Strategy Session

This is a comprehensive 90 minute marketing strategy session that is recorded via online video or over the phone. Where we will:
  • Go over your business goals
  • ​Identify the right target market
  • Define your ideal messaging
  • ​Work on the elements that need profile optimization
  • ​Brainstorm Session
  • ​Plan next steps


Follow Up Call

Immediately after our strategy session, we schedule a call to review your dashboard, optimized profile, and content calendar.
At that point you can start promoting yourself, or we can create content for you and post on your behalf.

We recommend posting at least one evergreen article each month as the foundation of the monthly theme. From that article, you can create images, audio, video, short blurbs, memes and posts.


We created audio assets from the strategy session interview with Horticultural Creations.
They can now use these as media on their profile, and as 
engaging content for their posts on LinkedIn!

We created a Canva account for Horticultural Creations and started them off with branded assets and templates so they can create their own infographics to share on LinkedIn.

We optimized their LinkedIn profile, adding a catchy header, in-depth summary complete with featured media, and strategically curated their experience section.



Before working with us, the case study above did not have a summary or media. His skills were not relevant to his work. His headline didn't spark interest. His profile was not complete.

By adding these elements, his profile became an All-Star Profile on LinkedIn!


Here are a few examples of the blueprint dashboard we create for you

13 weeks of content ideas for you to post

A specially curated list of relevant assets for you to use as you post on LinkedIn each day

10 weeks of ready-to-go, copy-and-paste content for you to post on LinkedIn

The Blueprint also comes with...

  • ​Connections: Organize your connections by strategic importance, so you can target your engaging and messaging efforts on LinkedIn
  • DM Strategy: Messages for you to copy as you send direct messages to your connections. We also tell you when to send the messages. 
  • Notes: The detailed notes from the strategy session, so you can create more content.
Less than 1% of the 740+ million professionals on LinkedIn are posting regularly because they don’t have a clear strategy. 

"Using LinkedIn will be far more useful"

"The LinkedIn Authority Blueprint was great because it made me think a lot about our business in new ways.  Having the dashboard that Ajax Union created has allowed me to re-prioritize my time going forward to make LinkedIn a priority. 
Now, I can communicate with potential clients on LinkedIn rather than via email, so they can see my profile and verify my expertise. Using LinkedIn will be far more useful once I have established content and I am active.

- David Swidler VP, Long Island Carpet Cleaners
Daily posting is the best way to stay top of mind with your ideal clients and referrals partners.
Having this LinkedIn Authority Blueprint will ensure that you are marketing on LinkedIn the right way 
so you can get more qualified leads, referrals, and grow your business efficiently.
What results can I expect?
Optimized profile + detailed LinkedIn strategy to guide you toward your goals. 

We are giving you the ideas and clarity for what content you need based on your goals and ideal target client. Once you have the right messaging ready you can spend time on LinkedIn more effectively. As with anything, the results that you see are entirely based on your goals and what you put into action.

If you want to grow your business and get new clients, you need to have more visibility on LinkedIn and generate more conversations with potential clients. This activity leads to more revenue.

For example, I want to speak to 80 people a month using LinkedIn direct messaging. I use this blueprint to have the right messages created for the right people and I have someone reaching out to 2,000 people each month. 80 of them actually get on the phone with me. Because they are ideal based on our marketing plan, we end up generating $20K in new business each month from these activities. We also have a $2 million dollar pipeline. We are getting results AND our clients who implement the LinkedIn Authority Blueprint are getting these types of results, as well. 

By the way, the reason why so many people respond to our messages is because they see our content (that we created with the Blueprint) going out daily in their feed!
Can I invite some of my co-workers and partners to the strategy session?
Yes! You can invite anyone you want to join you in the strategy session. As long as they add value to the conversation, the key is for our time to be productive. Make sure that all attendees also contributes to the pre-session questionnaire, as well, so you are both on the same page before the strategy session.
What else can I do with the marketing strategy we will create?
You can use the concepts in sales presentations, you can use the ideas for other social media platforms, you can use the strategy to help drive your email campaigns and videos. There are many uses for these amazing content ideas that we will be generating as part of the LinkedIn Authority Blueprint.
What if you optimize my employees profile and they leave our company?
You can use the blueprint to optimize any future employees profile as well. The blueprint includes the ideas you need to grow your business and get more clients.
How can we be sure that you understand our business?
We have created the marketing strategy for over 1,200 companies and have successfully partnered with 30+ industries across the country.
The questions on our questionnaire are specifically designed to get the visibility we need on certain key topics that will enable us to develop a fruitful marketing strategy for you. An 11-year record of success stories with very diverse businesses are proof of our understanding

What if I do not have a clear target market and I want to focus on the masses?
You cannot be successful on LinkedIn creating content for everyone and anyone. You must pick a target market. If you are not willing to do that, your content will not stand out and will not be meaningful to anyone. If you are targeting everyone, you are not going to get to your goal using LinkedIn and this program might not be as effective for you.
Can you also manage our Facebook, Twitter and Instagram pages for us?
Yes, after working on the LinkedIn Authority Blueprint together, some of our clients choose to delegate their social media management to us. We can develop your full blown business strategy, create assets for your marketing funnel, create email automations and drive traffic with SEO, SEM and Email marketing. We do full service social media management on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. These services are not included in the "LinkedIn Authority Blueprint" program here. You can use this strategy to support other platforms, though.
What is your guarantee if I am not satisfied with the service you are offering?
We guarantee that you will have a questionnaire, a video of your strategy session, and the LinkedIn Authority Blueprint for you to use. If you are not satisfied with the actual strategy that we produce, we can offer you coaching for an additional fee to help you create a better business strategy that you will be satisfied with. 
How does the LinkedIn Authority Blueprint help with SEO?
When we give you profile optimization tips we recommend that you add keywords to you profile that would help you rank in search results inside LinkedIn and on the web.
What else does Ajax Union provide in terms of marketing services?
Ajax Union is a full-service B2B Digital Marketing Agency. We develop full blown business strategies, create your assets, lead magnets, and landing pages to enhance your marketing funnel. We develop email automations and drive traffic with SEO, SEM, and email marketing. We also offer social media management on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
Do I need to have a LinkedIn Premium account to be able to use this service?
You do not need to have a LinkedIn Premium account to get the most out of the LinkedIn Authority Blueprint strategy session, but we highly recommend that you get a Premium account if you plan on using LinkedIn for prospecting and generating business. One of the key features Premium offers is the possibility to see who viewed your profile and therefore reach out to them. This is very powerful in terms of closing new business.
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**If you are unhappy, let us know before your strategy session and you will get a full refund within 24 hours.

"I can now build real relationships on LinkedIn"

“The Blueprint prepared me to make stronger connections and simultaneously growing my business by posting things that are relevant to- and engaging with- the community. I can now build real relationships on LinkedIn.
I like the LAB process. I would never have done this on my own. The Ajax Union method helped me engage with LinkedIn in a strategic way, and develop a path forward for growth. The content calendar is straightforward and easy to understand. I also appreciate how it establishes a rhythm, giving me a great foundation to build off of as I continue to grow my LinkedIn.”
- Michael Dye, Cloud9 Smart
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